DEEP AERO is a platform that uses the Al and block chain technology to build an autonomous drone economy which affects the urban transportation system by bringing on demand aviation and cargo delivery at your fingertips.
The evolution of drones has gone beyond the military use it was put to, it has become a powerful business tool.
DEEP AERO’s bounty program aims to broadcast the DRONE-UTM and DRONE-MP projects to as many people as possible. Through the bounty program, participants can help us spread the word about our revolutionary new platforms and get rewarded for it. In the DEEP AERO ICO, there will be 5,000,000,000 DRONE tokens issued in total. As bounty rewards, we will distribute 150,000,000 DRONE tokens, which equals to three percent (3%) of total DRONE tokens issued in ICO. Bounty Program is governed by the Bounty Program Terms and Token Sale Agreement and anyone participating in the Bounty campaign agrees to all terms and conditions laid out in the Bounty Program Terms and Token Sale Agreement document.
To earn and receive DRONE tokens, you should visit our Bitcointalk bounty thread for participating in the bounty program.
For more information regarding Bounty Program, please join DRONE Bounty Program Telegram Channel.
After you have signed up, just spread information about DEEP AERO ICO in crypto-community as wide as possible by following the simple instructions in this post.
By completing bounty tasks, you will receive bounty-points, which are divided in the following categories: Twitter, Bitcoin Talk, Facebook, LinkedIn, Media Publications, Referrals and Contests. At the end of ICO we will distribute 150,000,000 DRONE tokens proportionally to your bounty points in each category.

Step 1. Follow our official Twitter handle:
Reward: Each retweet will earn you the following amount of points:
Up to 249 followers: 1 point
From 250 to 499 followers: 10 points
From 500 to 4,999 followers: 50 points
From 5,000 to 9,999 followers: 100 points
10,000 followers and more: 200 points
DRONE tokens distributed for this category: 15,000,000
The account must be at least 4 months old. The number of your followers will be fixed when you sign up and doesn’t change during the campaign.
Bitcointalk Signature Campaign
Step 1: Upload the signature and avatar provided by us and write at least 15 constructive posts per week.
Reward: You will earn the following points each week:
Legendary/Hero : 200 points
Sr./Full : 150 points
Member: 100 points
Jr. Member: 50 points
Avatar on: + 50 points if signature is present
DRONE tokens distributed for this category: 15,000,000
Conditions to earn points in this category:
Games and round, Micro earnings, Politics and Society, Off-topic, Archival, Posts in “tipster” threads, Auctions, Lending, Beginners and help, Press, Investor based games
Facebook Follow, Like & Share
Step 1. Follow our official Facebook page.
Reward: Each repost will earn you the following amount of points:
Up to 249 friends: 1 point
From 250 to 499 friends: 10 points
From 500 to 4,999 friends: 50 points
From 5,000 to 9,999 friends: 100 points
10,000 friends and more: 200 points
DRONE tokens distributed for this category: 15,000,000
The account must be at least 4 months old. The number of your friends is being fixed when you sign up and doesn’t change during the campaign.
LinkedIn Follow, Like & Share
Step 1. Follow our official LinkedIn page.
Reward: Each repost will earn you the following amount of points:
Up to 249 followers: 1 point
From 250 to 499 followers: 10 points
From 500 to 4,999 followers: 50 points
From 5,000 to 9,999 followers: 100 points
10,000 followers and more: 200 points
DRONE tokens distributed for this category: 15,000,000
The account must be at least 4 months old. The number of your connections is being fixed when you sign up and doesn’t change during the campaign.
Publish An Article In The Media
This is an exceptional opportunity for members of media and influencers.
You can help us create an article or video blog on a popular media website or outlet. For example, you can write an article about DEEP AERO in Forbes, Coindesk, Bitcoinist, or in any other media relevant to drones and cryptocurrency. We will classify each article as standard (500 points), good (2,000 points) or extraordinary (5,000 points) depending on the media outlet and it’s reach.
Please email: bounty [@] if you are a media publisher or an influencer.
You can help us translate the Whitepaper, ANN thread and help moderate the ANN thread.
Whitepaper translation: 1000 points
ANN Thread translation: 250 points
Moderation: 10 points for each post (only OP)
To reserve a language please post your interest with some of your previous translation work.
Terms & Conditions:
[IMPORTANT: You have to send PM for approval to WAPINTER and get approval prior to starting of your translation work.
DRONE tokens distributed for this category: 30,000,000
When you sign up for the Bounty campaign, you will receive a unique referral code. You will get bonus tokens for all the referrals who use this code to purchase DRONE tokens. The person who uses your code to purchase DRONE tokens will also get an equal bonus.
DRONE Tokens purchased using your unique referral code will earn you and your referral the following tokens per purchase:
Up to 49,999 tokens: 1% (one percent) bonus
From 50,000 to 99,999 tokens: 1.25% (one and a quarter percent) bonus
From 100,000 to 499,999 tokens: 1.50% (one and a half percent) bonus
From 500,000 to 999,999 tokens: 1.75% (one and a quarter percent) bonus
1,000,000 tokens and more: 2% (two percent) bonus
Maximum DRONE tokens distributed for this category: 45,000,000
We will close this activity as soon as maximum limit is hit.
Step 1. Join our Bounty Program Telegram channel.
Step 2. Participate in the daily and weekly contests that are announced in this channel and submit your entries.
Reward: Winners of contest will get the following points:
1st Place: 1000 points
2nd Place: 500 points
3rd Place: 100 points
Participants: 10 points
DRONE tokens distributed for this category: 15,000,000
Bounty Distribution
After the ICO ends, your final amount of points will be visible in your DEEP AERO account.
We will distribute 150,000,000 DRONE tokens in proportion to the amount of points each bounty campaign participant has earned in each channel. For example, after counting all Twitter retweets, we will make a table where everyone who reposted will see their personal bounty points earned in the Twitter category. Since there are 15,000,000 DRONE tokens dedicated to the Twitter category, those tokens will be distributed between all members participating the bounty campaign according to the amount of points they have earned. Then we will continue to the Facebook channel, then LinkedIn channel etc. To summarize, the points earned in each campaign will NOT be pooled together but rather the tokens in each category will be divided in each category separately.
The information about points already earned is displayed in your DEEP AERO account. It is updated every 72 hours.
You will see your DRONE tokens in your ETH wallet once all the points have been counted. This will happen after the DEEP AERO ICO has ended.
If you have any questions regarding the bounty campaign or if you need assistance, feel free to contact us at and we will be glad to help. You can also contact us on the DRONE Bounty Program Telegram Channel.
For more information:
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